30 Nov-3 Dec 2015 Grenoble (France)

9th annual meeting of the GDR Vision.

The ninth annual forum of the GDR-vision is taking place in Lyon on December 2nd and 3rd 2015.

Keynote speakers:

- Patrick Cavanagh (LPP and Vision Lab)

- Karl Gegenfurtner (Justus-Liebig-Universität, GE)

A satellite event (30 Nov - 1 Déc) devoted to statistical methods for exploring data vision is organized by Ken Knoblauch, Jean-Michel Hupé et Rafaël Laboissière.

Registration for the forum and satellite event is free but compulsory
via this link.

Abstract should be posted on this site (Submit item), one page lenghth max. Dead-line for submission  13th of November 2015.



Cours day : Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (plan)

Conference : GIPSA-LAB (plan)

 Amphitheater A022 et repas dans la salle Mont-Blanc.





Organizers: Alan Chauvin (LPNC, UGA), Michel Dojat (INSERM, UGA), Laurent Madelain (Univ Lille)

Local organization committee:

  • David Alleysson,  (LPNC, UGA),
  • Alan Chauvin,  (LPNC, UGA),
  • Michel Dojat,  (GIN, UGA),
  • Nathalie Guyader,  (Gipsa-Lab, UGA),
  • Martial Mermillod,  (LPNC, UGA),
Online user: 1